CRIZ RFP Informational Meeting (Video)
November 14, 2016
The City of Bethlehem is seeking one or more projects from private developers and/or non-profit developers to certify as City Revitalization and Improvement Zone projects. These projects must be constructed on sites within the City on less than 2 acres. The City considers the allocation of CRIZ as critical importance to the revitalization of underdeveloped properties in the City.
Deadline: November 30th, 2016
CRIZ RFP & Worksheet documents available here...
October 26, 2016
Bethlehem's City Revitalization and Improvement Zone generated $43,654 in tax benefits, far less than the other two communities receiving the tax incentive modeled after the powerful Allentown one. Lancaster generated $3.4 million from the CRIZ district last year. Tamaqua, a Schuylkill County borough, is getting $189,900, according to a report released Friday by the state Department of Revenue. Bethlehem was awarded the tax incentive based, in part, on the claim it had $587 million worth of shovel-ready projects. The CRIZ incentive allows developers to use certain local and state taxes to pay of construction loans so long as it brings new businesses to the state or expands existing ones...
October 28, 2016
The dormant 585-space Polk Street parking garage may have new life thanks to a $1 million state grant. The almost $13 million parking deck proposed at East Third and Polk streets in South Bethlehem would provide parking for the redevelopment of surrounding former Bethlehem Steel Co. land. Design plans have called for a mix of retail and office space on the Third Street side of the garage...
October 25, 2016
New projects may be stalled in Bethlehem's special tax zone district, but construction is finally picking up with earlier proposals thanks to recent changes made to state legislation. Bethlehem earned the City Revitalization and Improvement Zone designation in late 2013, which allows certain state and local taxes generated by businesses in the zone to be used to repay debt service to spur economic development projects within the zone...
July 17, 2016
Two and a half years after Bethlehem won a highly-sought economic development incentive zone, only one project has been completed. It's not for a lack of shovel-ready projects. There are grand plans that will transform much of South Bethlehem and Martin Tower. But Bethlehem has found that with Pennsylvania's City Revitalization and Improvement Zone the devil's truly in the details. Provisions of the CRIZ law made banks nervous to loan money and hard for developers to attract tenants when they couldn't quantify the incentive, developers and the city report...
February 03, 2015
Neighborhood's within Bethlehem's city revitalization and improvement zone (CRIZ) could see major developments over the decades. The 130 acre zone is designed to revive and redevelop parts of the city and with the opening of its first business, it has many in good spirits...
December 13, 2014
The Lehigh Valley's love affair with craft breweries and wineries can be summed up in one word: intoxicating. Just this year, Funk Brewing in Emmaus and Weathered Vineyards in Weisenberg Township joined other area alcohol hubs such as Fegley's Brew Works in Allentown and Bethlehem, Vynecrest Vineyards & Winery in Breinigsville and Weyerbacher Brewing Co. in Easton...
December 30, 2013
It came too late to find it under the tree, but Bethlehem got exactly what it was wishing for Monday when it was approved for a special state tax zone that will help fund $350 million worth of economic development projects. The 130-acre City Revitalization and Improvement Zone will jump-start 11 of the city's most difficult projects, including the $175 million redevelopment of Martin Tower and the transformation of the former Bethlehem Steel No.2 Machine Shop into a Bass Pro Shops...